NHS - Graffiti condoms

Not only do teens and adolescents dabble in unprotected sex, but they also graffiti unprotected penises onto walls. This campaign for the National Health Service educates the importance of using protection by stencilling graffiti condoms onto the unprotected graffiti penises. This was pitched/ done by myself and officially signed off by the client.

Press: VICE, BuzzFeed, Men’s Health, Teen Vogue, Refinery 29, Mashable, Bored Panda, The Independent , Time Out, Now This, Huffington Post, Design You Trust, France Info, France.TV, Allo Docteurs TV Show, Le Matin, RTL and more.

Industry press: Little Black Book, Campaign Magazine

Senior Art Director : Matt Dunn


Heinz Ketchup - Vintage drip


Upside - Open letter to chickens